With the Long Live Play brand push on the horizon, we released a :50 Prologue through Kevin Butler's Twitter. Driven by intense speculation from the gaming media and without a single media dollar spent, it became the most viewed PlayStation video ever with 2.4 million views. In the first week.
Nine days later we released the 2:00 short film. And the internet exploded. It earned nearly 9 million views in the first week, and a surprisingly emotional and humbling response from the gaming public.
We capped off our salute to the gamer with a month of real celebrations of real stories of real gamers, all from the desk of Kevin Butler.
We gathered their stories through our social media channels, and then Kevin Butler released a video every weekday in November honoring their achievements. Over the month he sang songs, carved butter, legally adopted gamers, gave a wedding toast to be used in a real wedding (it was!), and even had an awkward conversation with God. All in the name of making an average gamer famous for a day.
Here’s some of my favorites: