SpielBurgers: The Case Study
Our 3-day social stunt kicked off with a wave of short films released on twitter.
An announcement teaser and five slider-sized tributes to Steven Spielberg's most iconic films.
Jaws, Jurassic Park, E.T., Close Encounters and of course Ready Player One.
We knew we needed Steven Spielberg's permission. And Warner Bros weren't exactly happy with our tributes. So we took things into our own hands and stalked him at the red carpet premier of Ready Player One.
He waved at us. We took it as approval.
So the next morning we live-streamed our trip to his offices at Amblin Entertainment to sign the paperwork. We didn't get past security. But we did leave a note on his car.
And then this happened.
And the world freaked out. Within minutes of his reply we had coverage on CNN, CBS, Mashable, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, USA Today, E!, and nearly every other pub on the internet. Even Luke Skywalker himself weighed in. Which is something.
We were just glad he liked our sliders.
We spent our whole marketing budget on these little bastards. The least we could get is one of those "Making Of" videos out of it.